Biennial Meeting of the Macromolecular Division of the GDCh - Makro 2024
Abstract Management System

The organizers invite the makro chemistry community to submit abstracts for posters related to the conference topics. Especially young scientists are encouraged to contribute to the conference.

For the submission of an abstract, no booking is necessary until a contribution is confirmed.

Extended submission deadline for posters: 31 July 2024
The authors of lecture contributions will be confirmed by 15 May 2024. 

The scientific committee reserves the right to accept or reject papers, and to assign them to oral or poster contribution.

Submission Process

Abstract Management System

Use the Abstract Management System to submit and manage your contribution. Please select a topic and the type of contribution you would like to submit (poster). Enter the title, a short description and the author information.

You can edit your contribution at any time until the final submission and upload documents like the pdf of your abstract after submission.

Download Abstract Template

All documents and presentations must be prepared in English. You can upload the pdf of your abstract also after the confirmation of your contribution.

Guidelines for the presentation of your contribution

Presentation of a Lecture

  • Presentation as PowerPoint or PDF, preferably in 16:9 format.
  • The presentation language is English. Please prepare all your documents and slides in English.
  • The duration of a presentation is 20 minutes (including subsequent discussion).
  • Please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive. You may not use your own equipment for your presentation.

Presentation of a Poster

  • Please create your poster in portrait format, size DIN A0 and bring it with you to the event.

GDCh Makro 2024
16 - 18 September 2024 | Biennial Meeting of the Macromolecular Division of the GDCh in Dresden (Germany)